
Our overarching aim is for your investment to be cost-effective and suitable to meet your long-term objectives. To achieve this, our strategy involves:

Minimising Costs

Costs matter. Fees, commissions, transaction costs and taxes can all eat into your market return. We therefore work hard at keeping investment costs as low as possible.

Considering Time Scale

For short-term goals (less than two years), we consider that cash investments are the best vehicle, using methods that protect your capital. Investment is more appropriate for longer term goals.

Optimising Asset Allocation

It’s vital to select the optimal proportion of assets (equities, fixed interest, property and cash). Over the years studies have shown that the asset allocation of the investment has a greater bearing on the performance than the individual funds in the portfolio. We will help you do this by considering your financial needs, the length of time you want to invest and your tolerance of risk.

Risk Profiling

We use market leading risk profiling tools to assess your risk tolerance and capacity for loss. Following a discussion of the results we recommend the most appropriate mix of assets to meet your required risk.

Using time in the market, not market-timing

We agree with the mantra that it’s time in the market that counts, not timing the markets. We believe that short-term speculation (buying and selling securities frequently in the hope of landing the next big deal) is not an optimal strategy, and that you could be impacting on future returns.

Considering your motives for investing

Finding out your motives for investing will help determine the most suitable approach. For example, are you investing for capital growth or a steady income? Do you prefer steady returns or are you willing to take on more risk for potentially higher returns?

Staying in touch

At each stage in your investment journey, we will be there to help. We’ll monitor your situation with regular reviews and offer new insights and solutions as needed.

Call us today to arrange a free initial consultation to discuss your investment objectives.


The value of investments may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you originally invested.

Pricing Information

Our charges will, of course, vary depending on the complexity of your individual requirements. However, we’ll always be clear with you about the amount and method of payment. You can ask for an estimate or set a ceiling on our fees in advance. Not all advice results in buying a financial product, and in this instance we will charge you a fee for our time. If, however, a suitable financial product is purchased, we may receive a commission paid from the provider’s charges. This reduces the amount available for investment, but we will always advise you of this before you make the purchase. Our business model is not dependent on commission and as such we can offer clients unbiased advice on products.